Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interesting revelation

So, Katherine and I were on a call for the chills. I stood out at the stretcher in the hallway with the son in law while the 7,000 family members and my partner were in the pt's room. The son in law was complaining about Jahova's witness' and their religion and I told him that he wouldn't like me because I believe in Evolution. Big mistake. It prompted this whole freaking speech about how I was made in God's image and how could someone as beautiful of me be evolved from a four legged creature.

So, this was an extremely lllooooonnnnngggg dragged out conversation and while I was cursing my partner for taking forever in the room something the son in law said stuck with me.

He was at a church and the priest told him to bow his head and pray. He said if you could ask God for one wish and one wish only, what would you wish for. The man first said a trillion dollars. Then he said after some serious thinking he finally decided to wish for God to show him proof to whether he is truly real and if everything said about him were true.

He then go up, walked out of the church and was hit by a huge weight on his shoulders that made him crumple to the ground and start to sob.

To say the least, this freaked me out.